Please Help the Animals

Gary Cantle is our man on the ground in Hwange, and he is responsible for the hands on work Friends of Hwange Trust does in the park. Gary is absolutely passionate about his work, and has a special place in hisIMG_0209r heart for elephants. He spends long hours driving to remote locations in extreme heat to maintain the engines that pump water, and supply the diesel needed to run them. He incessantly has to deal with one crisis pan after another day in and day out. For him things get tougher and tougher as the dry season progresses and as he is forced to witness scenes of animal distress. Gary will not take a day off until the end of November when the rains set in, and at the end of the dry season each year he is always exhausted.


The situation water wise will reach crisis point in the next two months.This is a particularly dry year and there is lots of pressure on us to keep the water pumps producing as much water as is possible, so we have decided to replace the solar pumps with diesel engines albeit temporarily. Solar can only pump water for 10 hours each day, whereas diesel engines pump 24/7.


We extend grateful thanks to all those who hold the preservation of the animals of Hwange dear, and who have donated money to help us with our work. For those who wish to contribute, please help us save the animals! You can do so using paypal or a bank transfer. You will find details at Alternatively, there is a fund that has been set up by Nicki Dell that makes it even easier to donate using any credit or debit card. You can find it here:
